How to Epoxy Your Garage Floor the Correct Way

If your Florida home is like many others, your garage has a concrete floor. Over time, this can become cracked, stained, and just an eyesore in general.

Driving in your car from the rain allows moisture to pool on the surface. Routine oil changes can discolor the surface. And let’s face it, concrete is not very attractive. It can also be painful if you want to use your garage as a home gym, workshop, or recreational space.

Epoxying is a versatile solution. This floor coating makes your garage floor waterproof, scratch- and stain-resistant, and slip-proof.

So, how can you epoxy your garage floor like a pro? Here’s how to upgrade this multifunctional space in your Gainesville, FL home.

The Benefits of Epoxy Garage Floors

Perhaps your garage floor is already cracking and peeling. Epoxy can smooth out the surface and prevent further damage.

And if your floors are still in good shape, epoxying them can help preserve them for years to come. It reduces the wear and tear of tire traffic from your vehicles.

Plus, it buffers against dings and scratches from dropped tools, if you’re using your garage as a workshop.

Want to convert your garage into a home gym? Epoxy the floors for a smooth, grippy surface where you can set rubber mats or exercise machines.

How to Prep Your Garage Floors for Epoxying

First, pressure wash and clean the garage floor properly. Remove as much debris as possible. We recommend a wide broom and shop vac.

If you have motor oil or other grease on the floor, apply a grease remover. Use a power scrubber to blast away debris. (You can attach a special scrub head to an electric drill.) For creases and corners, scrub away grime with a stiff-bristle brush.

Then, etch the floor so that it can absorb the epoxy. This involves making a bunch of tiny scratches so the epoxy adheres properly. Purchase an etching solution, mix according to the directions, then use a stiff-bristle broom to rub the solution into the concrete.

Safety Tip: Always wear protective glasses, a mask, and gloves while you work, as well as long sleeves and pants.

Rinse the solution clear and allow it to air-dry. You can test the concrete to make sure it is etched correctly.

Next, caulk all hairline cracks with a concrete crack sealer. Allow the product to dry completely.

Finally, tape off the trim and baseboards.

How to Apply Garage Floor Epoxy

Now, it’s time to apply your first coat of epoxy. Mix the solution according to the product’s directions. Pay special attention to drying and curing time so you can plan appropriately. We prefer the H&C Shield-Crete Water-Based Epoxy Garage Floor Coating.

To apply the H&C Shield-Crete, you will need a 3/8-inch mohair 9″ roller nap. Try using an extension pole to spare your back.

You will need another brush to cut in the edges. Remember this brush will be permanently damaged, so you may want to have a few on hand.. We also recommend a 4″ mohair nap for the cut-in areas.

When applying the product, wait until the temperature is above 50 degrees or higher and rising so that the product can adhere properly.

Scatter your color chips, if you’re using them. Let the first coat dry thoroughly for at least 24 hours. Then, add the second coat.

Finally, apply your glaze coat and let dry, then — that’s it! You’re done!

Wait at least four to seven days before driving your vehicle onto your new epoxy floors.

Rather hand your garage upgrade project over to the professionals? Contact CorsPaint for expert application of your garage’s new epoxy floors!